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overview of Hetauda


Hetauda is the headquater of Makawanpur District and it is an industrial city which is situated in the central part of nepal. It covers arround 2426 sq km. The main city street of hetauda are full of green trees parallel to both sides of roads because thy reduces the Polution. Here finds all cast and religion and people began to migrate here because it is safe, peace and suitable for resistance. The mejority of people residing here are Tamang but other communities like tharu, chhetri, Gurung, Newar, Magar, Chepang, Brahmins, Rai also lives here.
Hetauda attracts tourist too. It has many historical and beautiful places, Some of them are, Martyrs' Memorial Park, known as Sahid Smarak. It is situated near 2 km north-west from Main city Hetauda, There we find many beautiful natural places, We cant forget Manakamana Temple also which is 4 km east from main city. it is also known as sano manakamana. We must remember Makawanpur Ghadhi, which is 10 km east from hetauda. It is the most historical places. likewise thrikhindi, Bhutandevi, Pasupati, Pusplal park, Banaskhandi, Pathibhara, Tribeni dham are the most beautiful places which make pleasant us.
The main thing of Hetauda is, it is a green city covering the forest and river. it has its own features with having. The view of Hetauda is really nice and awesome. you could find if once you visit here. Thanks

About Hetauda

If you are in Kathmandu, then you have to get bus from Balkhu, or Kalanki. From Balkhu you can get Sumo which comes through the mountain and you can see the view of Mountain, Hill, Himalayan. after 4hr journey you will get Hetauda.Next option is through kalanki. You will get long bus, wihich comes through the straight riever side road.The fastest way but length way is from Kalanki to Narayanghadh to Hetauda. If you are with your family and wants to go with Jeep, it will coust arround Np 5000, but sumo will cost you 400 indivisually. You can get many hotels, restaurant ledge on the way.
Entertainment:The road, mountain, Himalaya, river side Restaurants with music, peak and height heal. Daman, Kulekhani they are really the best places of entertainment.
Living in Nepal is always an adventure! Hetauda the best place where the climate suits us well. You can see a movie on theater, a walk-in grocery store, restaurants, a new playground, a sports field and visit manakamana, Banaskhandi, Smarak, Bhutandevi, Chure devi.
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