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This is the full view of Banaskhandi

Banaskhandi(बनसखण्डी) is the tample, which is becoming the popular destiny for the local as well as other visitor. This is popular because it is not far from Hetauda city. This temple lies 1.5 KM north-east from Buddha Chouk, Hetauda and 500 meter far from Makawanpur Muntiple Campus. 
It is very short in distance, so we can visit here by foot also. But if you feel trouble by walk, you can take auto or मयुरी also which is available any where of Hetauda city. It will cost not more than 30 Rupee Nepali. auto will take not more than 10 minute from any where of the Hetauda City.
Banaskhandi is famous for its naturalism. Green forest, peace environment and clean beautiful temple  is the main feature of this place. Now a days this is becoming popular for photo shot also. Besides of Marries and breasting(ब्रतबन्ध) day, this temple looks calm and peace.  
Now a days this place is famous for Marries, " breasting(ब्रतबन्ध" Ceremony and other precious task. In the previous time this temple has got bad massage by the illegal activities done by the youth couple and rough guise. Now these activities are totally controlled by the help of the police and the near villagers. This is the starting way for the Manakamana too. People often pray the Banaskhandi first and then walks towards the Manakamana. Now a days the Temple is loocks after by the "OM SANTI" and the beauty of this temple increases more. Once you visit here you will be proud with the nature gift given by the god to the hetauda to make this city for the tourism. 

Location Map

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