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General Knoledge

1. Which the following is correct about eclipse
  • When the moon comes in between the sun and the earth on the full moon day, lies i a straight line, the lunar eclipse appears
  • when the earth comes in between the sun and moon on the new moon day, lies in a straight line, the solar eslipse appears.
  • When the sun, the earth and the moon lies in straight line and shadow of the earth appears on surface of the moon , the lunar eslipse takes place.
  • When the sun, the earth and the moon lies in straight line and the shadow of hte earth appears on the surface of the sun, the solar esclipse takes place.
2.Greenwhich lies on ............degree longitudes.
  • 0
  • 90
  • 180
  • 360
3.consider the following different names of the terms 'Cyclone'.
  • It is known by the by the names of Hurricane in the Northen Atlantic Ocean and Eastern Pacific Ocean.
  • It is known by the name of Typhoon in the North Western Pacific Ocean
  • It is known by the name of Cyclone in the indian Ocean

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