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Hattisar of Bhimphedi

         If you visit Hattisar, you will know our ancient, how they visit one place to another. before 100 year, there is no vehicle available to visit. It is very difficult to carry basic and fundamental things(like: oil, salt, rice etc) to their home. They have to either go by feet or stay without these these. Because of these reason people used to stay one launch or dinner hole day without breakfast.

        When Bhimphedi became the district Headquarter for the connecting market center of Kathmandu valley with terai and India, people began to use horses or elephant as a vehicle for visit and used for transportation.

         Hattisar is one of the good tourism place of  Bhimphedi. It is the elephant museum latter on it was made Hattisar that is elephant shed and compont required in elephant ride which reflect the history of wild animal power which is used as alternative things for vehicle.

          So, If you are in Hetauda, visit Hattisar once, which is situated at Bhimphedi, it is only 22 kilometer far from Hetauda city. You can get various vaicle to visit Hattisar of Bhimphedi like bus, sumo, auto. On the way you can enjoy with nature. because you will see, Rapti, Samari river left side of the road, on the right side, you will see green forest, mountain, hill, water fall. 

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