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Chance of rain with clouds remains for few more days

There is a possibility of partial to moderate change in the country on Thursday due to the westerly winds and local winds. There is a possibility of thunder, lightning, wind and hail in most parts of the country. Meteorologist Sameer Shrestha said that there is a possibility of rain with clouds in the next few days as the western wind has been affecting the local wind and low pressure area near the eastern part of the country and water vapor has been entering Nepal from the Arabian Sea.
Due to the stable westerly wind and premonsoon activity in Nepal, it is raining with thunder, lightning, wind and hail. As the pre-monsoon lasts for three months from March, April and May, the weather in the hilly areas of the country will continue to be affected in the afternoon and evening. According to meteorologists, it has been raining with clouds as water vapor has been entering Nepal from the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea.

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